Established 2006


What We're Reading: February 21st

As a form of escapism, I have been turning to journalism about food. While often equally grim, food news seems relevant, accessible, and comprehensible to me in a way politics are not right now. If you too need a respite from daily life, take some time and chew on the best food related articles featured in the New York Times this week. 

A Bee Mongul Confronts the Crisis in His Field: Heard the buzz about bees? Commercial beekeeping is a necessity for the American agriculture industry. Yet colony collapse is putting the future of farming at risk. Without bees to pollinate our apples, avocados and various other produce, the globe is at risk of a dire food shortage. The UN reports that of the roughly 100 crops that account for 90 percent of the food eaten around the world, over 70 percent rely on the pollination of bees. So what’s a farmer to do about it? Read about Bret Adee, America’s largest beekeeper, in a profile that documents his attempts to confront the barriers facing his industry.

The Compost King of New York: What happens when composting transforms from an activity performed by flannel wearing, granola millennials to a citywide initiative? It turns out that compost is beneficial for the environment, city funds, and private equity. Read about the surprising figure leading the charge to reduce food waste throughout New York City in this exposé by the New York Times.

Yotam Ottolenghi: Eat Your Sugar: We have demonized sugar in our effort to be ultra health conscious. I think it’s time we took back our right to indulge in all things sweet! Yotam Ottolenghi’s new column for the New York Times promises to be a safe and sweet space that encourages us to be generous with ourselves.