Brown Market Shares Program
Established 2006


Rosemary Carrots

Roasting is one of the easiest ways to prepare your share. Preheat the oven, turn on some music, and start peeling. This week we're bringing out the natural sweetness of carrots by roasting them with shallots and fresh rosemary! Eat them as a side dish, or chop them up and add them to a pile of fresh pea greens. Either way, your taste buds are sure to be satisfied!  

Rosemary Carrots
Makes 4 servings

8 medium carrots*
2 shallots
2 T olive oil
1/2 t Kosher salt
3/4 t fresh rosemary
Fresh ground pepper to taste

*From this week's share

1. Preheat oven to 375°F
2. Wash carrots thoroughly and quarter lengthwise
3. Peel and chop shallots, then add to a bowl with carrots
4. Toss in oil, salt, and pepper  
5. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet
6. Chop fresh rosemary, then sprinkle evenly across the baking sheet
7. Roast for 25 minutes, or until carrots are tender